Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Conversation Between Del Dios

So I'm totally going to get around to post the rest of the Grey Ranks sessions we've done so far one day. I know I've been horrible about posting in general and that in particular.

But a few days ago me and Traci ended up having an impromptu conversation about an issue in Morgan's new campaign; and it just sorta became an in character thing; or at least the wording worked out as such that I can edit it a tiny bit and change our names to our characters' names and make it look like that. So I'm gonna post it here for record keeping purposes and so the others who are going to play the campaign can read it and get the extra insight into who Lucius and Dianora are.

Dianora: Got a minute?

Lucius: Sure

Dianora: I've been trying to work out a possible idea for a treaty with Romania. So far we've just bombed the hell out of them, but we really have no idea how strong they are, and if they ever come out they're going to be super mad. So maybe if we could broker a treaty, it'd do a lot for the standing of the family. At first I thought the easy solution would be pay for a null to come along from the British house, but the range is a problem we could be killed on site sight, and there might not be anyone left we really wanted to talk to if Vlad is as crazy as we think and his family is as diminished as we hope. Would a strong alliance be worth it for the family if it were possible?

Lucius: Maybe

Dianora: Best thing I can think to do is send our brother who can hop dimensions for some recon

then send an offer by impartial mortal courier. Otherwise I wouldn't know where to send it and we could save the money on yearly bombing runs. *nervous laughter*

Lucius: Or we could draw them out with our brother and then drop a nuke on them and have him hop dimensions to escape

Dianora: We could but we're just killing them out of fear- like the holocaust. I don't see that as justifiable.

Lucius: It removes a valid threat. I don't see any reason to hop into bed with a certified mad man

Dianora: He's been backed into a corner for a long time.

Lucius: He enjoys IMPALING people!

Dianora: He makes a statement so fewer people will try to kill him.

Lucius: So being a megalomaniac is okay if it serves a higher political purpose?

Dianora: There are lots of megalomaniacs we wouldn't consider nuking because they serve a greater purpose to the world. His mortal people at least deserve a better life than constant genocide.

Lucius: So now we're coming at this from some moral high ground? What are we going to do tell him "Oh please Vlad, would you please ally with us? Also, while we're begging here’s some demands: Be nice to your mortals."?

Dianora: No I'm not saying he's mistreating the mortals, if he is I didn't understand that, I thought that his people were being killed because they might be of his bloodline.

Lucius: We bomb them because if they can regain their footing and get enough of a power base; with their power they can just start picking Houses off left and right.

Dianora: Right- back to the fear thing. If we can do okay with Israel, I think we could do okay with a house with telekinesis, as long as they weren't bat-crazy nuts.

Lucius: You think that hasn't been tried? Check your histories, librarian. I'm sure negotiation and treaties were attempted before we started just indiscriminately killing them. It’s a coalition of Houses behind this; you think someone like the Odin's would stand by if this was an unwise course of action?

Dianora: I just don't know how many years have gone by since a treaty was attempted. What if telekinesis could be bred into our bloodline?

Lucius: It would be a useful advantage. Fine, go ahead and talk to them; but hire your own dang security; I'm not sending any of my people on what is most likely a suicide mission.

Dianora: I just wanted to know your mind on the matter. I could also consult the Odins, if I decide to move further.

Lucius: Probably a good idea; they know more about this politics crap than I do.

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