Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Need more minerals!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Creation Myth for RPG World-building Project
In the earliest of days the world was dark and empty,
The gods looked at this and it made them sad,
So they gathered together and spoke with each other,
“Let us make new friends for us to know and teach,”
“But where shall they live?” said the gods to each other,
“For they cannot live in the realms of the gods.”
“Then we will make a place for them to call their own,”
“Come let us make form from the emptiness, and light from the dark.”
So the gods shaped the world, building the world that would become home to the Tribes,
They formed a beautiful and perfect home for the First Tribe,
A wonderful Haven where they wanted for nothing and were always safe,
And the gods watched over the Tribe and taught them many things,
But soon the gods became disappointed with the Tribe,
For they became fat and lazy and did not listen to the gods’ teachings,
“Look at our friends;” said the gods, “they are foolish and lazy”
And the gods’ anger became great and they burned away the First Tribe,
The gods were then sad at the loss of their new friends,
And they decided that they should try again to make friends to teach,
“But how will we stop them from being fat and lazy like the last ones?”
Then the gods gathered together again and thought on these things,
After a time the gods decided on what they would do,
They shaped the world anew, creating the world that we know today,
Instead of a single perfect haven, they shaped many varied lands,
Instead of a soft place of safety, they shaped a crucible for the Tribes to test themselves upon,
The gods made many new friends to fill the new lands,
They said to each other, “As the lands shall harden and sharpen them,”
“So to shall they harden and sharpen each other,”
“In this way they shall never grow soft and foolish,”
Thus the Tribes were formed. They have endured many trials and hardships,
They have grown in power and knowledge, and always revered the gods’ commands,
Every year they gather at Haven, to greet the new friends that the gods send,
And each year those who come of age go on to be with the gods.
This is how it has been ever since, and how it shall always be.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Communal RPG World-building Project
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Immortals Campaign Session 1
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A Conversation Between Del Dios
Dianora: Got a minute?
Lucius: Sure
Dianora: I've been trying to work out a possible idea for a treaty with Romania. So far we've just bombed the hell out of them, but we really have no idea how strong they are, and if they ever come out they're going to be super mad. So maybe if we could broker a treaty, it'd do a lot for the standing of the family. At first I thought the easy solution would be pay for a null to come along from the British house, but the range is a problem we could be killed on site sight, and there might not be anyone left we really wanted to talk to if Vlad is as crazy as we think and his family is as diminished as we hope. Would a strong alliance be worth it for the family if it were possible?
Lucius: Maybe
Dianora: Best thing I can think to do is send our brother who can hop dimensions for some recon
then send an offer by impartial mortal courier. Otherwise I wouldn't know where to send it and we could save the money on yearly bombing runs. *nervous laughter*
Lucius: Or we could draw them out with our brother and then drop a nuke on them and have him hop dimensions to escape
Dianora: We could but we're just killing them out of fear- like the holocaust. I don't see that as justifiable.
Lucius: It removes a valid threat. I don't see any reason to hop into bed with a certified mad man
Dianora: He's been backed into a corner for a long time.
Lucius: He enjoys IMPALING people!
Dianora: He makes a statement so fewer people will try to kill him.
Lucius: So being a megalomaniac is okay if it serves a higher political purpose?
Dianora: There are lots of megalomaniacs we wouldn't consider nuking because they serve a greater purpose to the world. His mortal people at least deserve a better life than constant genocide.
Lucius: So now we're coming at this from some moral high ground? What are we going to do tell him "Oh please Vlad, would you please ally with us? Also, while we're begging here’s some demands: Be nice to your mortals."?
Dianora: No I'm not saying he's mistreating the mortals, if he is I didn't understand that, I thought that his people were being killed because they might be of his bloodline.
Lucius: We bomb them because if they can regain their footing and get enough of a power base; with their power they can just start picking Houses off left and right.
Dianora: Right- back to the fear thing. If we can do okay with Israel, I think we could do okay with a house with telekinesis, as long as they weren't bat-crazy nuts.
Lucius: You think that hasn't been tried? Check your histories, librarian. I'm sure negotiation and treaties were attempted before we started just indiscriminately killing them. It’s a coalition of Houses behind this; you think someone like the Odin's would stand by if this was an unwise course of action?
Dianora: I just don't know how many years have gone by since a treaty was attempted. What if telekinesis could be bred into our bloodline?
Lucius: It would be a useful advantage. Fine, go ahead and talk to them; but hire your own dang security; I'm not sending any of my people on what is most likely a suicide mission.
Dianora: I just wanted to know your mind on the matter. I could also consult the Odins, if I decide to move further.
Lucius: Probably a good idea; they know more about this politics crap than I do.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Grey Ranks Chapter 1
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Grey Ranks Session 1
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Bold New Frontiers
Sunday, June 6, 2010
So Ends this Tail...I mean Tale!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Blinded by the Light
Thursday, May 13, 2010
So much to do, so little time
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Proper Respect For Words
1. Awesome. I'm completely guilty of misusing this word as well; so don't call me hypocritical. I'm admitting my problem. :-) Anyway, the dictionary definition of awesome is "inspiring awe." So the question is, how many times do you use awesome to refer to something that actually does inspire awe in you? And how many times do you use it to refer to things that are just good, interesting, convenient, or nice? Is the count on the latter one much higher? It sure is for me. This isn't a terrible or life-threatening transgression; but it does somewhat annoy me. I think its because as a Christian I believe that God is Awesome. And it just seems wrong to so blatantly misuse a word that is a characteristic of God.
2. Rape. This is a HORRIBLE word that describes a HORRIBLE act. It's just straight up nasty. Yet in my experience as a gamer I see people using this word all the time with total casualness. They use it to talk about how they beat someone at a game, or how they killed some one's character or unit. It's used to talk about the act of defeating another person. Which when you think about the definition I guess the connotations are there; but its just such a horrid word that I really think we should make an effort to use something else in its place.
3. Love. This word and its foibles could take up a whole week of blog posts on its own. My mentioning it is brought on by a song I've heard a decent amount lately on KLRC that I think just really uses the wrong category of love. And yes there are lots of different categories of love; so yes it can be used in different ways. Just make sure you are using the correct one.
4. Irony. When talking to a friend about this post he brought up this word. People label a lot of non ironic things as ironic; probably simply because they don't know the real definition of the word. So here it is:
I'm sure there are tons of other words that are misused every day. The like five people who will read this can feel free to post their own thoughts on this issue.
So be careful what you say and what words you use to say it. Words have power, and with great power....well you know the rest. (And if you don't you don't pass the nerdiness requirement to be my friend ;-) )
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
"Where is fancy bred? In the heart or in the head. "
1. My Mouse Guard campaign. I've probably got 2-3 more sessions max before the game gets into the stuff that I'm making up completely and I really need to get it written down and planned out.
2. A Burning Empires campaign. I really want to try and run one of those with somebody. I'm loving the Burning Wheel system more and more; and the extra complexity in this version as compared to Mouse Guard intrigues me. Plus the setting is really cool.
3. I want to put together a little booklet that basically gives you a system for producing a one-shot game. I'm planning on making at least the first iteration a zombie survival game. Basically give you a complete system for generating characters, a plot, and a scenario; all in one short, easy to use little booklet. The use I'd like to see it go to is sitting down around a table with no prep, and being able to whip up a party of characters and a scenario, and then play through it, all with very little fuss and in very little time. Just a random idea I had and I want to pursue it.
4. I want to put together a campaign setting for the crossover world that I worked up years ago back in college and ran a few games in. I really enjoyed the world and I think the players did too. I'd like to get it all put together again and probably adapt it for use in a different system than D&D/D20 Modern; since I'm all about the non-d20 based system love these days. Probably try to use the Burning Wheel mechanics if I can. Though if I ever wanted to try and publish it it'd probably be better to try and come up with my own system or something; assuming Burning Wheel doesn't have a generic, OGL system thing going on like D20 does.
5. I had an idea for an intriguing card game awhile back. The idea was to bring the RTS computer game feel into a multiplayer card game format. I brainstormed quite a few ideas with some friends and I'd really like to get around to trying to get that put together at some point.
6. I'd really love to try and turn my computer into a Hackintosh so that I could download and use the Iphone SDK thing and learn how to make Ipad apps. Not the whole computer; probably just a separate partition. Gonna have to consult some more techie minded friends about that.
7. I'm also considering doing a Forgotten Realms hack of the core Burning Wheel system; once I get around to looking it over that is. I know some friends of mine are fans of the world; and I find it fairly interesting as well. But I do so dislike the idea of running games in the D&D system right now. Its kind of a far off project; so we'll see.
So lots of cool stuff I'd love to do. Of course with me finding the motivation and the time is always an issue. Now if only I could turn this type of stuff into a job.... :-p
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Assault From the Skies Brothers!!
I of course fielded pretty much everything I own. When you don't have a ton of stuff to work with you can't really play around with the options that much. But I tossed down a list that had a whole bunch of Blood Angels Space Marines with jump packs and mean tempers. :-p And I ended up doing okay. Middle of the rankings I think. And I won the "Favorite Army" award, which got me a $25 gift certificate (just as good as winning 2nd place I think LOL). So it was a good day overall.
But on the downside of the experience, man GW's games are so....annoying! I've just started to get used to how things happen and then today I encountered so many things that just TOTALLY broke the rules and defied what I thought was possible in the game. And its not like I'm lacking in experience in playing and therefore just haven't seen enough. In my opinion its an issue with the game and the business model it is run on.
Here are the two main issues I have with the game, issues that both came up today.
1. The obsession with mechanized forces (i.e. Vehicles). Vehicles seem to be the be all and end all of every dang army. If you don't take vehicles, you're doing it wrong. If you want to make your army feel more thematic and cool; like for instance have all of them wearing jump packs and leaping across the battlefield to slay their foes; TOO BAD! That option doesn't included vehicles so therefore the rules severely gimp it. Do you want to fulfill the mental image in your head of huge, powerful space marines controlling the battlefield with the power of their armored suits and nothing more? TOO BAD! It's really annoying not to be able to effectively field the army I want the way I want.
2. I played an army today that was just insane. They are called Necrons. It wasn't really the base rules of the army that were bad; but man there were some crazy special characters and special rules that just made them feel way too overpowered. The explanation my opponent gave when I pointed this out, "Oh ya this codex came out back in like '92, its like from 2 Editions ago" That is HORRIBLE!! The business model that GW is following is leaving some forces in play that are no longer balanced and designed for the way the new base rules work; and its really annoying! Is is REALLY so hard to get out all new books for the existing armies each time you release a new edition? You don't even have to change that much, just update and re-balance stuff. *SIGH*
Anyways, despite my whining I had a good time, I still mostly enjoy the game, and I'm looking forward to trying out some new army ideas I came up with today.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
The Wonders of Modern Technology
Thoughts from a Waiter's Mind
When this happens I can not help but be angry because I just put in all that work and got screwed over for it. And thanks to tip-out, not only do I not get a tip, I have to pay for having taken that table. And their check was like $72. So that's a nice "Oh thanks for stiffing me and making me pay $1.50 out of my pocket for the dubious "privilege" of having waited on you." It sucks even worse though because the people were nice and they may not have intended to do this; so one feels even worse for getting mad.
So the lesson here is to be very careful to leave behind the signed and filled out copy of your credit card receipt. It may seem like a small mistake to you; but it really Fs over the server and makes for a terrible situation.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Mouse Guard Session 2
Mouse Guard Session 2
The characters all started out back in Lockhaven. It had been a couple of weeks since the previous patrol, and things had been busy. It was time to pour the northwestern Scent Border again and a large number of patrols were being assigned to the job, including the player's patrol. Al, Penelope, and Bran all set out with a large caravan of Guards and hand-drawn carts, following the trails from Lockhaven to Darkwater, then on to Lonepine and finally to Wolfpointe.
One night during the stretch of the journey from Darkwater to Lonepine, Penelope was one of the mice on guard around the camp and she heard some noises coming from the nearby undergrowth. Upon further inspection she spotted the gleaming eyes of a raccoon, right as it spotted the camp and came charging in. Yelling out a warning Penelope ran forward and set herself to face the oncoming predator. The rest of the camp woke quickly and rushed to help. Bran began peppering the thing with arrows while another patrol slipped behind the raccoon in a flanking position. The battle ebbed and flowed with both sides deftly maneuvering for position; but in the end the mice managed to be quicker and they drove off the beast; though a few injuries were sustained.
When they reached Lonepine the caravan left its wounded there to be tended to further, and then continued on its way. They had no more trouble on the rest of the journey out to the Scent Border and began to divide up into teams and move out to pour the sticky Scent Elixir along their assigned areas. Bran quickly identified the portion of woodland that they were supposed to mark with the Elixir, but the other two mice had some trouble working with the stuff and managed to get the stinky concoction all over themselves. With Al muttering angrily the whole time about being an archivist, NOT a field scientist; they went over to a nearby stream to clean up.
Penelope slipped a little ways upstream in order to have some privacy as she washed the Elixir out of her fur. While Al was also scrubbing himself clean and Bran was keeping watch a big old bullfrong suddenly popped up out of the mud along the bank of the river and tried to snatch up Al. With a yell or warning and some quick help from Bran, Al managed to evade the bullfrog's attack and they both ran quickly upstream to where Penelope was; warning her to get out of the water.
The patrol then left the stream behind and continued pouring the Scent Elixir. After more frustratingly slow work they finally managed to finish their task and went back to meet up with the rest of the Guardmice. Because of all the trouble they had they were the last patrol to arrive, so as the caravan headed back the Guard Captain in charge sent the three of them off at the fork in the path that lead to Grasslake, to check on the city and its inhabitants.
As they approached the city they were stopped by a panicked mouse who came running through the marshy grasses around the city, yelling for their helping and waving his arms. He breathlessly gasped out that the town was under an attack "A monster! A giant monster! Destroying the town! Eating mice!" The patrol told him they were there to help and to lead on. What they found was that a giant snapping turtle had crawled out of the lake and was basking in the sun in the town square, right in between the town bakery and the brewery.
It turned out the mouse that had come to get them was the owner of the brewery, Harold, and he led them to a crowd of mice on the far side of the square from the turtle, all the townsfolk were gathered up there staring at the beast and talking nervously. From talking with the mice they found that while of course everyone was very concerned about the turtle being there, the four who were the most concerned were Harold the brewer, Honeywind the baker, Lester the smith, and Thom the mayor; all of whose residences and places of business were in the town square and therefore in danger from the turtles actions.
These four mice began animatedly telling the guardmice that they HAD to help and they MUST drive the turtle out, and just how HORRIBLE it would be if anything happened to this or that building. After a quick side conversation they patrol decided to convince the mayor to calm the crown down and have them wait out of sight of the turtle.
After the crowd was gone they patrol began discussing the situation and their options. They decided that the most likely reason for the turtle being there was that it was a female there to lay her eggs. With their limited knowledge about turtles they figured out that if the turtle were to lay her eggs she would end up digging up the whole town square, which was something they and the village really wanted to avoid. They stood around discussing and brainstorming for quite some time.
Finally Al hit on the idea of trying to use some sort of herbs or plants to knock out or drive off the turtle and they went and questioned the mayor about the idea and whether anyone in the area knew about such things. He pointed them to a couple of ladymice, Josephine and Clove, but neither felt they could be of any help and didn't know of any herbs that would accomplish what the guard wanted.
While all this discussion was going on the crowd has been getting more and more riled up. Unknown to the players the smith, Lester, was a former Tenderpaw from the Guard who had failed to advance on to Guardmouse and was still fairly bitter about the fact and resentful of the Guard in general. Between him and Harold, who had a bottle of his own brew on him and had been sneaking swallows of it all day; they began to convince the crowd to take some action against the invading beast, whether the Guard would help or not.
When they noticed this change of attitude in the crowd the patrol attempted to talk them down from this idea; but their confusing rhetoric and flowery statements fell on mostly deaf ears. They did manage however to at least convince them to not actually engage the turtle in physical combat, just to try and scare it off.
Penelope was unhappy with even this however and tried to physically bar the way for the crowd; forcing them not to take action. Al tried to stop the younger Guardmouse but she wasn't listening. Luckily for them though the crowd merely pushed Penelope aside and any sort of real altercation was avoided.
The patrol caught up with the rest of the mice and they all began to work together to try and drive the turtle off. Penelope was her usual fearless self and led the spear waving and threatening motions from the front, while Al stayed back and yelled instructions, guiding the mice to the best effect possible; and Bran just ran around the flanks trying to help where he could. At first the turtle just ignored them or half-heartedly snapped at the nearest mice, but she didn't really move or become that aggressive.
The apparent indifference to their efforts at first weakened the mice's resolve; but after became heartened again after they managed to rile up the turtle and actually get it to react. The reaction was more than they wanted though and in a final destructive struggle the turtle was driven off but not before wrecking all the building they had wanted to protect.
With a somewhat dejected sigh of relief the town thanked the Guard for doing what they could and began to pick up the pieces. The patrol stayed around for awhile, helping them get the rebuilding process started and then gathered their belongings and began the trek back to Lockhaven.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Thoughts from a Waiter's Mind
Here is what happened tonight. A table came in fairly late; I think less than an hour before I got cut (side note: Only 2-3 servers stay on the clock until the restaurant closes. Hanging out and chatting in someone's section for hours is most likely forcing someone to stay at work longer than they should have to, sitting around making $2.63/hour. So don't do it!) so something like around 9:30 or so. Not terribly late, so it wasn't that that pissed me off about this table.
The problem with this table is that they were a big waste of time. The table was composed of 7 people, 2 adults and 5 kids ranging from around 11-15 years old is my guess. So 7 people with at most 2 of them young enough to be ordering off the kids menu. And this is what the order was for the entire table:
7 Waters
2 Orders of Chips and Salsa
1 Order of Texas Cheese Fries
1 Order of Combination Fajitas
1 Dos XX Amber bottle
That is it! Here is the problem. This group of people is taking up my one big top table, my one real moneymaker table. And their total bill comes out to less than the bill on the two top right next to them!!!!!!! I would expect a bill upwards around $60-70 for a table of that size. Their bill barely broke the $30 mark.
If you can't afford to order food at Chilis, GO TO MCDONALDS! If you want to, as they said, "Just Graze"; GO HOME!! Or go find a frikkin field! You are denying me my best location for making money that evening for however long you are going to be there, and you aren't even making it worth my while (they left a pathetic 10% tip).
The table was a pain in my ass and a waste of time. For all the work I did refilling their drinks and chips, and cleaning up after them I'd rather have not my the $3.00 they gave me.
My Mouse Guard Campaign, Session 1 Summary
Mouse Guard Session 1
The session started out with Gwendolyn calling the Guardmice into her study. When they arrived they found her looking over a large map of the territories that was filled with various markers indicating Guard patrols and missions that were currently out in the field. She welcomed them with a smile and warm greetings and informed them that she needed them to deliver some mail. The players represented a fairly disparate group who had not worked together before and the oldest member of the party (Patrol Guard Alaphondar, know to most as Al) was at an age where frequent missions were a thing of the past. But the Guard was very busy at the moment and Gwendolyn needed to call upon all able-bodied mice in order to accomplish all that needed to be done, even simple mail runs. So with words of encouragement and wishes for safe travel she handed off the mail bag and sent the patrol on its way.
The patrol consisted of Patrol Guard Bran, a somewhat reclusive and solitary explorer who was more used to going on solo scouting missions than going out with a patrol; Patrol Guard Al, the above mentioned greyfur who had settled into a comfortable life in Lockhaven, teaching tenderpaws and spending time with other veteran mice; and Penelope, a bold and brash young Guardmouse who won't let anything stand in her way of being the best Guardmouse she could be and who was always ready for a fight.
They each gathered up their supplies and headed off on the mission. Their route would take them first to Elmoss, Bran's home city, then to Sprucetuck, home to Al, then on to Dorigift, and finally to Gilpledge. The only area where any trouble was expected was the route between Dorigift and Gilpledge; an area where the trails were not quite so clearly marked and blazed.
The patrol encountered no problems on the first leg of their journey, arriving in Elmoss after a few days and quickly delivering the mail for that city. After helping the postmaster, a grizzled old mouse named Gurney, to pass out the letters and packages, Bran visited an old friend and fellow map enthusiast, Jasper the cartographer, and then they all received a good home cooked meal with Bran's family and had a good nights sleep. Bright and early the next morning they set off for Sprucetuck, making it almost to within sight of the city before encountering the first challenge of their adventure. Penelope spotted a blur of red fur out of the corner of her eye as they were walking by a small stream near the city that had been greatly swollen by the spring thaw. Quickly becoming alert she warned the others that she had seen something and began a careful visual search of the nearby area.
She had almost written off what she had seen as just her imagination when a shrill scream carried to the patrol's ears and they saw a very young mouse child fall from the bank into the rushing currents of the stream. Without hesitation Penelope leapt forward and dived in to save the child. Bran moved almost as quickly and went to the bank to attempt to help them both out of the stream when they came down to where he was. The current proved stronger than anticipated and while Penelope was able to reach and grab the child she was too tired to get close enough to shore for Bran to grab them. So with a grumble about young mice and such Al leapt into action as quickly as his old paws would carry him.
Rushing downstream ahead of the floating pair he found a branch to hold on to and leaned out over the stream, extending his walking staff out even further. He managed to catch Penelope and with the help of the swiftly arriving Bran pulled the water logged mice back to the shore. After helping to comfort and dry off the young mouse Al softly admonished Penelope for being so brash and Bran grumbled about his own ineffectualness in the rescue attempt. The patrol carried the little one, whose name they found out was Lilly, in to Sprucetuck and returned her to her mother Dalia. She was very very thankful to the Guard and the patrol in particular and was very upset and worried about where they had found her baby Lilly at.
After she thanks them profusely and left them to take care of the child another young mouse, this one a few years older approached the Guardmice. He had obviously been selected by a nearby group of mouse children as their spokesperson and told the players that he thought the Guard were amazing and he wanted to be one when he grew up. He then asked them what was the most important part of being a Guardmouse. All three mice answered with different things, the overlong and wordy answers of Bran and Al going completely over the young mouse's head. But he was able to latch on to Penelope's advice to simply “Be brave.” Hands raised over his head in triumph he ran back to his friends and they scurried off chanting their new mantra “Be Brave! Be Brave!” Then the patrol delivered the mail to Finn, the postmaster in Sprucetuck, and they proceeded to get another good meal and a nights rest.
The trip from Sprucetuck to Dorigift was easy and calm and they dropped off the small amount of mail for that city with no real problems. A small spring rainstorm did tire them out but it was only a minor inconvenience. On the way to Gilpledge with the last of the mail Bran's path finding abilities failed him and they ended up starting to bed down for the night in a hollow tree trunk that was also inhabited by a startled raven. The bird's attention was quickly riveted on the mail bag that Penelope carried and a conflict ensued. Penelope once again leapt forward into the danger and boldly defended the mail and her patrol mates. Al followed his instincts and stayed back, offering suggestions and verbal support where he could, and Bran attempted to use his bow to create a distraction to assist Penelope in her attempt to slay the attacking raven. The battle was close and hard fought with both sides finally accomplishing their goals. The raven snatched the mail bag away, only to be brought down by an arrow from Bran as it fled.
The Guardmice quickly gathered up all the mail they could find, packing it back into the bag from where it had scattered when the raven landed. They settled in for the night with even more caution and the next day arrived in Gilpledge. Being a small town the mayor was in charge of things like distributing the mail and since he was very busy the patrol helped him to accomplish this task. As they did two mice stood out to them in the crowd. One, a middle aged, well dressed mouse in the clothing of a merchant or well off craftsman; the other a pretty young female mouse who seemed at first very excited about the arrival of the mail. The merchant studied the Guardmice, not really seeming to care about or pay attention to the mail. The young ladymouse was absolutely riveted as each name was called and each letter and package distributed. But as the stack grew smaller and smaller without her name being called her face fell lower and lower. At the end she fled quickly from the meeting hall, tears streaming down her face.
Bran attempted to catch her and find out what was wrong but he was accosted by the well dressed mouse, who identified himself as Martin, a well to do carpenter. He was overly excited but once Al calmed him down he explained that his daughter was scheduled to be married soon and how it would mean the world to her if he could include her grandmother's old rocking chair, a family heirloom, in her dowry. The problem was that the chair was still in the abandoned city of Walnutpeck, a city that fell during the Weasel Wars a few years ago. He told the patrol that he had been about to go himself to retrieve it, but now that the Guard were here they would surely help him on his quest.
At first the patrol members felt that their other duties were more pressing and that they couldn't spare the time; but Martin was quite convincing. Not to mention that he was arguing mostly with Bran, a mouse not used to such social situations; which led to them agreeing to help Martin to retrieve the heirloom. This agreement left Bran stunned, Al annoyed, and Penelope sullen. Martin hurried off to his home to prepare for the journey and the Guardmice went to the local tavern to collect themselves and discuss the situation. After much conversation Al hit on the idea of trying to find someone else from the guard to help the poor man out, because frankly Al was certainly too old for this type of thing. With a stroke of luck they were able to find a pair of Guardmice who were on their way back from a scouting mission out at the Scent Border, and Al pulled rank to get them to take over the mission of helping Martin.
The next morning as they set off they encountered the young ladymouse they had seen leaving the meeting hall in tears yesterday. She had what seemed to be all of her belongings on her back and was striding determinately and solitarily out of town. The Guardmice stopped her and questioned her as to what she was doing and where she was going. With a determined look and voice she told them her name was Loretta and explained that her fiance had traveled to far off Darkwater last spring looking for work, and should have sent her a letter telling her of his situation there and whether or not she should come to meet him. When she had not received a letter the previous day she had despaired and decided she couldn't wait any longer, so she was heading to Darkwater now and nothing would keep her from her beloved any longer.
The patrol quickly convinced her to travel with them and began to escort her back to Lockhaven. On the way back they went back by the hollow tree where the raven had attacked them and were able to find a few pieces of mail they had missed before, including the letter to Loretta. Unbeknownst to them they also encountered a small weasel patrol that had come pursuing the same raven in order to exact revenge on it for earlier conflicts with the bird. The weasels saw the mice and decided to ambush them that evening. As the mice sat around their fire the weasels leapt out and tried to seize them. Thanks to some quick thinking and cleverness on Al's part, the patrol and Loretta managed to escape the weasels, but they lost a good amount of their supplies as they fled. When they finally arrived back in Lockhaven they were tired, hungry, angry, and injured. The simple mail run had turned into quite an adventure. After being debriefed by Gwendolyn they all enjoyed a delicious meal cooked by Al and then collapsed into their own beds ready to rest and recuperate.